Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Still My Heroine, After all These Years

 Photo Credit: Squidney on Homeground via Wikimedia Commons

Kate Bush was and always will be my #1 heroine.  She opened up the music business to women like no other female before or since, and yet, many are still not familiar with her music.  Her dramatic and heartfelt singing and dancing style influenced me no end.  I'm quite sure I owe my ability to stand up in front of a room of 35-100 preteens and hold their attention for more than a few minutes at a time today to my countless hours of watching this woman when I was a teenager.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with her story, you can get it right here--in this short, sweet tribute to her life in music, by Music Matters on Vimeo.

Do you remember some of your heroes from when you were young?  Do those heroes still have an impact on your life today?

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